Grow Yourself. Grow Others.

Success is about growing yourself. Significance is about growing others. Once you have tasted significance, success will no longer suffice.

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About Sam

As business owners and leaders, our families stand as pillars of encouragement, offering solace in times of challenge and rejoicing in our victories. Their unwavering belief fuels our ambition, their unconditional love sustains our resolve, and their presence infuses our endeavors with purpose and meaning. Beyond the conference rooms and office, these snapshots remind us of the true wealth we possess. The love, laughter, and shared experiences that enrich our lives immeasurably. They serve as a poignant reminder that, amidst the hustle and bustle of business, it is the moments spent with family that truly define our legacy.

One figure stands as my steadfast companion and unwavering supporter: my beloved wife. Marriage is a partnership, reflecting moments of shared laughter, quiet contemplation, and unwavering support. From the early days of dreaming and planning to the triumphs and challenges of building an empire, her unwavering presence has been a guiding light, illuminating the way forward with love, encouragement, and non-judgemental belief. As a business owner and leader, I am keenly aware of the sacrifices and challenges that come with the territory. Yet, through it all, my wife has been my rock, offering boundless support, understanding, and encouragement. Her belief in our vision has been a source of strength, her wisdom a guiding force, and her love an anchor!

I have a passion that ignites my soul and drives me to inspire, educate, and empower others. That calling finds its truest expression in the art of public speaking. I love the electrifying moments spent on stage, addressing fellow leaders, and sharing insights, wisdom, and experiences. From the platform, I find my voice, my purpose, and a great joy. It is here that I am able to connect with audiences on a deep and meaningful level, sharing stories, imparting knowledge, and sparking transformative change. Whether it's delivering keynote addresses, facilitating workshops, or leading mastermind sessions, the opportunity to speak to groups is not just a privilege - it's part of my purpose. There is an undeniable magic that happens when I step onto that stage. The rush of adrenaline, the palpable energy of the crowd, and the knowledge that, in that moment, I have the power to inspire and uplift others. It is a responsibility I do not take lightly, and one that fills me with a sense of purpose and fulfillment unlike any other.

Interested in having Sam speak for your team or event?

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There is an incredibly dedicated team of individuals who embody the spirit of Atlas Outdoor. We share in moments of collaboration, camaraderie, and shared triumphs, reflecting the essence of our collective journey towards excellence. The Atlas Outdoor Team exemplifies unity in diversity, with each member contributing their unique talents and perspectives to our shared vision. We are more than colleagues—we are a tight-knit community bound together by a common purpose and shared values. Together we work hard, we push ourselves, we overcome challenges, celebrate successes, and continuously strive to raise the bar of excellence in all that we do!

Interested in learning more about the Atlas Team?

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The Buzz From The Industry's Best

  • Sam is such a positive asset to our industry. He is extremely dedicated not only to his own team, but to the Green Industry as a whole. He is passionate about pursuing education for all employees, and recognizing their achievements. Sam has truly created an incredible culture at his firm, through his leadership, encouragement, and can-do attitude.

    MLNA Logo

    Emily Huening - Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association, Education / Certification Director

  • Sam is one of the most generous and uplifting team leaders I have met in my life. Always ready to step up, he is committed to helping others to have a better life and a better work environment. After meeting and working with his team a few years ago, I was blown away by his company's Team Culture. It was a true reflection of Sam's great qualities. Sam is a man of heart, truly dedicated to helping people and teams grow!

    Frank Logo

    Frank Bourque - Award winning hardscape professional, speaker, writer, hardscape industry consultant

  • Sam is one of those guys who has the ability to inspire, educate and lead those within his sphere. His dynamic and infectious personality is what draws people to him and why people trust him in business and personally. This coupled with knowledge and experience has made Sam the success he is today!

    Unilock Logo

    Ray Rodenburgh - Unilock Corporation, Director of Trade Strategy

  • Sam Gembel is an undeniable gem in the Hardscape industry! Not only does Sam practice what he preaches within his own business, he practices it in his personal and professional relationships as well. I can always count on Sam to go above and beyond to deliver a quality product from his leadership and speaking roles, to assisting with event promotion, and putting everything he has into mentoring and training our future industry leaders. In my opinion, Sam is the ideal role model not only as a business owner, but as a colleague, a family man, and as a friend. He has proven he knows how to manage and run a successful business. He acknowledges and appreciates his hardworking staff, and genuinely cares for each and every person he comes in contact with. People like Sam are hard to come by, and I know that whenever I may need help, Sam is always a person I can count on!

    ICPI Logo

    Erin Hobson, CMP - Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute

  • Sam and his team have provided awesome hardscape demonstrations for us that wowed our attendees at the MGIA Annual Trade Show and Convention! Sam's professionalism and passion for his craft really shines through. We look forward to working with Sam again in the future!

    MGIA Logo

    Silvia Eichen, Education Coordinator - Michigan Green Industry Association

  • What makes Sam such a great speaker is his relatability. He is incredibly down-to-earth and humble and when you hear him talk, you can picture yourself in his shoes. Sam is also good at inspiring you, too, to be your best self in achievable ways. Sam's passion for what he does is infectious in the best way possible. I know I've always left conversations with Sam heartened to continue on my journey and ready for my next steps.

    LM Logo

    Christina Herrick - Landscape Management Magazine

  • When hosting a large event, carefully selecting the speakers who will be speaking into the lives of attendees, and bringing the energy to carry the event is one of the most important elements. Sam came highly recommended and we could not have been more excited when we virtually met him. He has the proven resume of success and coaching others to do the same, but his energy is contagious even virtually.

    Sam was an incredible presence from the stage. His content was dialed in, for a business owner to take action at any level. Not only did his content bring so much value, but his transparency and authenticity built a connection that inspired action. He has a unique ability to spark a fire within the audience and ignite a belief in their own abilities.

    Sam's energy inspires me, and we were so grateful to share him with our audience. I can't wait to experience his magic again.

    SalesBoost Logo

    Angela Schroeder - Sales Boost

  • Sam is a rare coach that deeply understands leadership, culture as well as strategy and tactics. He has helped so many of our Conquerors in our program get clarity on how to build a legacy business that can leave a lifelong impact on the team. Best of all, Sam practices what he preaches! Highly recommend Coach Sam to anyone looking to level up their company.

    Conquer Logo

    Brandon Vaughn - Founder & Chief Strategist @ CONQUER

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